"BRIDGE" EVENTS: We know that not everyone will investigate a church through its website (as safe as that may be), much less make an actual visit. But these same people may be willing to check out a fun, family-friendly activity that could break down possible insecurities. One of our most popular on-going bridge events is FILM & FAITH where we view a movie together over some popcorn, then hold a brief discussion of the movie's spiritual and religious themes. Everyone is invited to bring an un-churched friend to this FREE quarterly event. Other successful bridge events have included our annual Thanksgiving Potluck and New Year's Chili Cook-off. All events are advertised through church media including Facebook and details are included in the church CALENDAR.
Impact others outside of our area and spread the Word through missions and outreaches.
Fellowship with others and build uplifting relationships in a fun, family environment.