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It's Your Choice... (Joshua 24:1-33)

Sunday, March 22, 2020 •

Joshua's final farewell address to the nation is best known for his personal commitment to the Lord (24:15). He passionately challenged the nation to do the same. NT Believers should make a similar commitment.

Timeless Truths for Changing Cultures (Joshua 23:1-16)

Sunday, March 15, 2020 •

Joshua's final speeches may have been delivered decades after the main events of the book ("after many days," v.1). His task complete, Joshua prepared the next generation of leaders by sharing timeless wisdom.

Review & Renew

Sunday, March 8, 2020 •

Israel and the Church have similar, but different, missions as a part of the fulfillment of promises God has made. Deacon Keith Hyer shares a review of Joshua.

Corporate Sanctification's Concern for Individual Sin (Joshua 22:1-34)

Sunday, March 1, 2020 •

A concern for corporate sanctification compels the Church to lovingly investigate questionable behavior in order to avoid divine judgment coming upon the entire community!

Mercy in Sanctification (Joshua 20:1-21:45)

Sunday, February 23, 2020 •

With the Promise Land divided among Israel's twelve tribes, God revealed cities crucial to the people's relationship to God's Word and the sin it revealed. This section highlights God's mercy!

Accountable Leadership in Sanctification (Joshua 18:1-19:51)

Sunday, February 16, 2020 •

The division of the Promise Land among Israel's twelve tribes was nearly complete, but leadership was failing the people. How important is leadership in corporate sanctification and to whom is it accountable?

Don't Quit, Compromise, or Complain (Joshua 15:1-17:18)

Sunday, February 9, 2020 •

Life can present many obstacles to the Believer's sanctification. In today's study we learn about some unbiblical responses and receive encouragement to continue pressing towards God's goal for us.

Never Too Late or Too Old (Joshua 13:1-14:15)

Sunday, February 2, 2020 •

Joshua 13 is an important turning point in the book. With Israel's major opposition in Canaan crushed, all that remained was for individual tribes to conquer and inhabit towns allotted them. But was it too late for some Israelites to inhabit the land for which they had waited?

20 in 20; Four Reasons to Share the Gospel in 2020

Sunday, December 29, 2019 •

With a new year just around the corner, it is important to remember the reason for our church's existence. We carry the treasure of the Gospel in earthen vessels (our bodies) and have been left on earth with an important task until Jesus returns. This morning, I want to share four reasons why we must share the Good News in the new year.

Christmas 2019: What's in a Name? (Isaiah 9:6)

Sunday, December 22, 2019 •

Isaiah was a "Major Prophet" in Israel whose message was written 800 years before the prophesied Messiah's birth. Isaiah's titles for the Messiah (Christ) have inspired hymns of praise as well as intense reflection. Today we will explore the four titles found in Isaiah 9:6.

Christmas 2019: Proverbs for Christmas

Sunday, December 15, 2019 •

Despite the love manifested by God (1 John 4:9) and the joy elicited in response (Luke 2:10-11), there are still many pitfalls to avoid at Christmas. Where do God's people go for wisdom to circumnavigate these pitfalls? Where else but Proverbs!

Christmas 2019: Christmas is JOY (Luke 2:10-11)

Sunday, December 8, 2019 •

Love and Joy are two emotions that should be experienced at Christmas. But if we don't appreciate God's love, expressed in the miracle of the incarnation, can we really hope to experience the joy God intends?

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