Missed a powerful sermon or eager to revisit a message that spoke to your heart? Look no further! Our Church Media page is your portal to a treasure trove of inspiration. Dive into the wisdom and teachings shared during our past sermons, available for convenient selection and viewing below.
Sunday, November 29, 2020 •
Last week we learned how God's sovereignty prevents His mission from ever being completely thwarted. But God's mission is still being advanced through His people who can be disturbed and distracted by the World. What must God's people do to complete their assigned task?
Sunday, November 22, 2020 •
In obedience to God's stirring (1:5), the returning exiles turned their attention to the rebuilding of the Temple. An offer of help from people of the land was rejected. Why? Is there a lesson for the Church?
Sunday, November 15, 2020 •
God's remnant returned to the Promise Land but discovered themselves surrounded by her enemies. How would God's remnant deal with the fear these enemies caused?
Sunday, November 8, 2020 •
God moved everything in order to return the Babylonian exiles; powers, people, and provisions (1:1-11). But not all Jews returned. Who exactly who were these exiles who did return? Scripture reveals the answer from God's perspective in this second chapter of Ezra.
Sunday, November 1, 2020 •
Despite multiple prophetic warnings, Israel's refusal to repent of idolatry finally brought God's judgment. Judah was deported to Babylon and served out a 70-year sentence. But now it was time to go "home."Would promised blessings still be there?
Sunday, October 25, 2020 •
This year's Presidential election once again compels Christians to consider their duty to God, responsibility to Government authority, and privileged opportunity to influence national policies through the vote. Today we survey the Believer's responsibility to support the foundation upon which God created the ideal (and sinless) society.
Sunday, October 18, 2020 •
This year's Presidential election once again compels Christians to consider their duty to God, responsibility to Government authority, and privileged opportunity to influence national policies through the vote. Today we survey God's sovereignty and a nation's ONLY hope.
Sunday, October 11, 2020 •
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 65 could be considered a Thanksgiving psalm, possibly intended by David to be sing annually at the barley harvest.
Sunday, October 4, 2020 •
The Psalms were Israel's inspired hymnal. We don't know the tunes to which they were sung, but like any worship song, the words are the most important feature. Psalm 10 expresses a frequent theme in the Psalter; evil's triumph over good in God's apparent absence.
Sunday, September 27, 2020 •
The security of our salvation is essential if we are experience the peace of assurance. Today's study looks at what the Bible says about the Believer's inability to lose their salvation.
Sunday, September 20, 2020 •
As the author brought his letter to a close, he highlighted behavior that was to characterize followers of Christ. Part 1 focused on the Believer's behavior toward other believers. Part 2 focuses on the Believer's behavior toward church leaders.
Sunday, September 13, 2020 •
As the author brought his letter to a close, he highlighted behavior that was to characterize followers of Christ. Part 1 focuses on the Believer's behavior toward other believers.
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